Friday 12 May 2017

May 12

Friday again already.  Wowza!

On Tuesday May 16 we will be walking to Dr. George Stanley.  We will be leaving the school around 8:50ish and returning to Cranston around 11:00.  I am hoping a couple parents will be able to help out on this day.  I am looking for 2 or 3 volunteers to help walk over and hang out with us while we learn about DGS.  Please email me if you are available.

Volunteer tea is on May 18.  

This week we have been working on:
- Literature circle jobs
- drawing maps and writing "how to" stories
- Perimeter in metres and centimetres
- animal inquiry (we are almost finished).  

Next week I will start assessing the students in math.  I will be looking at the following skills:
- multiplication, division
- time, reading a calendar
- perimetre and measuring with a ruler
- 3d shapes (edges, faces, vertices)

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful Moms!!

Friday 5 May 2017

Happy Friday Families!

What an amazing day we had at Cranston School yesterday celebrating Arbour Day.  I am so proud of all the hard work that was put into our projects.

Here is what we have been working on:
-  learning the lyrics for the songs for Music Monday and Arbour Day
- Literature circles in LA
- Animal inquiry - habitat, life cycle, environment threats, adaptations, diet and parental care.
- in math we have been working on measuring and figuring out the perimeter of objects.  We have also been using a variety of domino games to figure out the missing addend of an addition sentence.
- next week in writing we will be working on how to write instructions.
- in handwriting we did n and m today and we still have v,x,y and z to do before moving onto capitals.

Blogger has introduced emojis.  We are happy about this 😃😃😃

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Important Information

1. We are going on a field trip on June 8 to Drumheller to the Royal Tyrrell Museum.  This is very important:
- our bus will be leaving the school at 8am.  Please have your child at school by 7:45 (please have them enter the building through the front doors). 
- we will be leaving the museum at 2:30pm which means we will arrive back at school somewhere between 4:00 and 4:15.  
- we will be travelling to Drumheller on a coach bus not a school bus.
- I will be sending the permission forms home next week.
- I will need approximately 5 volunteers (I already have one volunteer).  I will also need one of the volunteers who is able to drive their own vehicle and the other volunteers to the museum.  Please email me at if you are available to help.

2. Tomorrow is Arbour Day!  We have many events going on during the day.  If possible, please have your child come to school tomorrow evening at 6pm.  We will be singing Colours of the Wind and This Pretty Planet at 6:45 and 7:15 in the gym.  You are welcome to come to our classroom to see our projects and also to visit the other classrooms and their projects.

3. On May 30 from 9:30 - 11:00 we will be having an in school field trip with Clay for Kids.  We will be representing a butterfly life cycle on a leaf which ties in nicely to our current science unit.  I also need 3 volunteers for this activity.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a wonderful evening.

Friday 21 April 2017

Good morning families!

I have made some changes to  my blog post and will now only be posting information once week.  Usually on Fridays.  That being said if you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to email me

1. We are involved in the Music Monday assembly at May 4.  All of our families are invited to attend.  The assembly starts at 10:30.

2. May 16 we will be going to Dr. George Stanley for a visit as we prepare to transition to this school.  We will be walking over in the morning.  The time has not yet been confirmed.

3. Math - we are reviewing measuring and then next week we will be moving on to perimeter and area.

4. Science - rocks and minerals.

5. LA - we have been working on writing about Arbour Day and demonstrating on learning on Power Point or Google Slides.  These projects will be available for you to see on the Arbour Day evening May 4.  More information to follow but I believe it starts around 6:00pm.

6. SS - rights of the child

7. Book orders due on Monday

I think that is it for now.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday 7 April 2017

April 7

Happy Club Friday.  Today the kids switched to a new club which they will stay with until June.

We are working on sorting rocks and identifying their characteristics such as: shape, colour and shine.

Today we also had Edible Arrangements for Fun Snack (Thank you for reminding me to write this Charlotte).

Next week we are moving onto a new literature circle job: it is called Question Master.

Today we celebrated Hope's birthday.  We sang to her and enjoyed some cupcakes.  Happy 9th birthday Hope.

We will continue with our Dance Residency next week. We will be having an afternoon performance during the 3rd week of April. I will post the date and time as soon as I receive it.

April 19 is Spring Pictures (thanks again Charlotte).

Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

April 5

We had a great day!!!  We are working on our Non-fiction Narrative biographies.  Each child has been paired up with another student in our class.  These partners interviewed each other and today we started to write the actual biographies.  We hope to make a book called the Biographies of Room 73.

Today we started an animal inquiry project with our grade 1/2 buddies.  We are learning about the 5 animal groups.  Can you name them?  While working with our buddies each group chose an animal and they are beginning to do research using the computer and books from the library.  The final project will be an envelope book.  Parents I need your help!!  Is there anyone who has a sewing machine that would be willing to sew some envelopes together for us?

In math we have learned all about 3d shapes and the difference between a pyramid and a prism.  Can you tell you parents the difference.  Also our new word in math in congruent.  Can you tell you parents what this means?

We have started to learn about rocks and minerals.  Please don't forget to bring in 10 or so different rocks.

Have a wonderful evening!

Monday 3 April 2017

April 3

I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break and is ready to get back at things.  

This morning I met with one of my guided reading groups to introduce literature circles.  Lit Circles are a fun way to talk about books and develop a deeper understanding.  To begin with, each child was given a new book called The Desk.  There are 5 specific roles to be assigned during a lit circle.  For the first few rounds everyone will be working on the same job until we are more comfortable.  Today's job is Favorite Part Finder.  When each child is done reading the book they will write and draw about their favorite part and then present to the group.  I will be introducing literature circles to the entire class over the new few weeks.  

Today in handwriting we worked on the letter i.  We learned that this letter is part of a group called kite stringers.  Tomorrow we will be working on u.

During writing we learned about non-fiction narrative writing.  Here is what we learned:

Non-fiction Narrative Writing

Purpose: to inform, to educate, to entertain

Organized: facts, sequential
-       starts with a title
-       followed by details and facts (background information
-       some personal comments
-       ends with writer’s feelings
2. What, what
3. where
4. when
5. how that person effected the world

6. Wow amazing facts to wow your audience

Tomorrow we will start writing our own personal non-fiction narratives.

Today in math we reviewed 3d shapes and more specifically talked about and made a cube.  We talked about how many vertices, edges and faces a cube has.  

We have library tomorrow.

Peace Ambassador forms were sent home today.l

This week we started our dance residency.  We are learning to become amazing hip hop dancers.
2 students have been selected for the Healthy Learners Club.

Have a wonderful evening.